Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ascherl

Since 1996 active in the field of intellectual property law
Since 2001 European Patent Attorney
Since 2003 German Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney
Founding partner


Andreas Ascherl studied Mechanical Engineering majoring in Aerospace Technology and Automotive Engineering at TU München (Technical University of Munich), graduating in 1993.

Andreas Ascherl has worked in several international law firms in Munich and London. His professional focuses are patent application and opposition proceedings and litigation, in particular patent infringement and nullity proceedings, as well as legal opinions and searches therefor. He has gained technical expertise in the fields of automotive engineering, aerospace technology, medical technology, general mechanical engineering, consumer electronics and IT.

Decisions of the Federal Supreme Court with involvement of patent attorney Andreas Ascherl (decisions in German)

File No. X ZR 116/17 – delivered on November 26, 2019

File No. X ZR 84/12 – delivered on February 25, 2014

File No. X ZR 130/11, guiding decision “cryptographic technique” – delivered on April 9, 2013

File No. X ZR 89/12 – delivered on May 28, 2013

File No. X ZR 4/10 – delivered on August 10, 2011

Press (articles in German)

“Envipco and DPG settle dispute over the bottle deposit system” – JUVE Patent

“Skype successfully defends itself with Bardehle” – Juve article from January 21, 2013

“Counterstrike successful” – Juve article from August 16, 2013

“Patent invalidated” – Juve article from February 24, 2012

“Zeppelin Power Systems invests in SkySails” – Juve article from December 29, 2008

“Vestel Electronics prevails against Edico” – Juve article from October 29, 2007